HAPTOTROPISME PADA POLA SERANG PARASIT TALIPUTRI {Cuscuta campestris Yunck.) [Haptotropism on the Attack Patterns of Dodder {Cuscuta campestris Yunck.)]

Sunaryo Sunaryo
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Field dodder fCuscuta campestris Yunck.)is an obligate parasite plant (holoparasit) with twining stems that coil and fasten to host plants.The qualitative and quantitative studies were tested to 20 twining stems pieces, that infected on host plants (Durantha sp.).The results showed that the twining stems are very sensitive and responsive to the contact of host canopy, but it is not for grasses (Poaceae).A single piece has been found to grow at rate of more than 1 centimetres per day. The ability and speed of reaction of the twining stems by the contact stimulating to their host (haptotropism) were discussed.


parasit taliputri /dodders (Cuscuta campestris Yunck.), inang /host, batang sulur /twining stem, rangsang sentuh /haptotropism.

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