PERTUMBUHAN BENIH IKAN PATIN JAMBAL (Pangasius djambal) YANG DIBERIPAKAN DENGAN KADAR PROTEIN BERBEDA [The Growth of Pangasius djambal Fingerlings Fed with Different Dietary Protein Levels]

Ningrum Suhenda, Lies Setijaningsih, Yanti Suryanti
| Abstract views: 1068 | PDF views: 2404


The experiment was conducted to evaluate the growth of Pangasius djambal which were fed with different dietary protein levels.Fifteen fingerlings averaging 6.13 g individual body weight were stocked in each of 9 fibreglass tanks filled with 30 liters of water.They were fed daily for 42 days with diets containing 30%, 35% and 40 % protein. The feed was given in crumbled form at 7% of total biomass,4 times a day and contains 2600 feed.The result showed that feeds with different protein content gave qudratic respon curve. Maximum values for protein retention (36.65%) were obtained with feed containing 34.14 % protein.The feed with 35% protein content gave the lowest (78.12%) lipid retention. Feed conversion ratio (1.31-1.36), daily growth rate(3.64-3.82%) and protein efficiency ratio (2.05 - 2.29) were not different among treatments.The survival rates 100% were the same for all treatments.It is suggested that feed with protein content 35% and 2600 K. cal DE/ kg feed can be used in intensive culture of Pangasius djambal fingerlings to attain the best growth and suvival rate.


Nutrisi ikan, patin jambal/ Pangasius djambal, pakan ikan, kadar protein.

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