Asep Sadili, Mohammad Fathi Royyani
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A quantitative study of epiphytic plants was conducted at the logged over forest in Kiyu, Meratus Mountain, Hulu Sungai Tengah, South Kalimantan. This study used a plot of 10 m x 500 m (± 0,5 ha), and divided into 50 subplot of 10 m x 10 m. The results showed that there were nine species of six genera from three families of epiphytic plants found within the studied plot, with A grostophyllum bicuspidatum as the dominant species. The diversity index (H’) was of 1,85. The diversity of epiphytic plant in these plots was well represented based on the results of analysis of species area curve. Spatial distribution pattern of all epiphytic species was homogeneus, except for A. bicuspidatum. The number of epiphytic host plants observed was 22 individuals from six species of six genera, and five families, with Saurauia nudiflora (Acthiniaceae) was the dominant host plant.


Diversity, distribution, spartial, epiphytic plants, logged over, Kiyu, Meratus, South Kalimantan.

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